One of the most asked questions for beginners is how to create their own website .There are hundreds of different ways to build a website.
on this article I'll show you some basic and easy steps to begin . It's quick to read and will get you start the right way .

A domain name is the internet address of a website
(for example : ) . It's the home of your website .
let's break it down a bit , every person is known by his name , that name defines him and give him an identity , and when you want that person you just call him by that name . it's the same for a website and domain name , a website has an IP adress and because the IP adress is bit hard to remember , they give each adress a name ( mostly easy to remember ) and that's what a domain name is .
The best registrar is , they're competitive with less than 10$ domain names and they give you everything you need , they also give you this private registration so nobody couldn't know who owns your domain name , hence it keeps you safe from spy .
There used to be a time where you have to register a domain name with your exact keyword , which called the Exact Match Domain (EMD ) , this method used to be necessary and effective for SEO a but now that it changed , the exact match domain names are no longer that important . However this doesn't mean the EMD are forbidden , no , but not that effective for SEO as it used to be .
Make sure you don't use dashes or numbers , because that will make a confusion for people between your website and your oppenent websites , and he'll be recieving visitors that you were supposed to recieve ( too bad ) . Last thing , and it's a very important thing when registring for a domain name , is that you must not use trademarks inside your domain name because once your website get popular the trademark company will contact your registrar and certainly you'll lose your website after it gets rank well and that's the last thing you'd want , right !

A web host company hosts the information that you create for your website and makes it available for anyone else around the world to locate , visit and browse .
Best hosting company by far is . They provide you with some of the amazing services you'll ever need . New clients are offered cPanel which is very easy to use , all the shortcuts are grouped by category and in addition to standard options there's a QuickInstall applet which allows you to setup dozens of web softwares with a couple of clicks ( Wordpress for example .. ) .
What makes even more great , is the technical support , a variaty of support options and adequate response time leave no chance for your problems to remain unsolved . Live chat , foums , video tutorials and many articles all come as standard .
Use this Coupon Toearnit66 to get 9$ of your first month , basically making it free . Or if you want to pay on a longer period you can use this Coupon Toearnit55 to get 25% off the total due .
They also have this amazing and easy to use site builder tool , which will get you to create your website within a couple of hours
you just choose templates and with some clicks you'll get the thing done . Keep in mind that you can cancel your account at any time and still you'll get your money back if your account is cancelled within 45 days of purchase .

There are many ways to build a website these days , and you don't even have to be a programmer as it was earlier , if learning HTML language and CSS is difficult for you or you just don't have enough time to learn and control it , then I got good news for you : you can create your website from begining to the end without any code .
if you want to make a blog or a website , wordpress is the best tool you can use , wordpress is a FREE source blogging tool and a content management system .
By using wordpress you'll have access to a big variety of templates you can choose from , and when you want to change the design , you'll only have to choose another theme and your website will update instantly .
Wordpress is highly recomended nowdays to build a website and it's currently the most popular blogging system in use on the web ,
Yet there are many ways to create your website without learning
web programming , there are a bunch of softwares that helps you create pages as much as you want , but they differ from one to other in term of quality , design ...
Setting up your website with Wordpress
1 - once you're done with hosting , they should send you your server informations by email including your DNS (Domain Name Server ) .
2 - Visit and go to Manage Domain , click on transfer DNS to webhost ( on the left ) . Choose " Use Custom DNS " and enter your 2 DNS (the ones you recieved in your email ) . this way you link your domain to your hosting account , it may take up to 48 hours to get it done but it's usually less than that .
3 - Go to , if the DNS hasn't approved yet , look in to the email you've recieved you'll find a link to your cpanel that doesn't require your DNS to be set up .
4 - From your cpanel , look for Fantastico Deluxe , click on wordpress on the left , new installation , it'll bring you to this screen where you can begin entering the details , Admin access data and Base configuration .
5 - After you get to the Admin Access Data , you will have to enter your username and password , just remember that this is a sensitive so you'll have to remember them well because you'll need them next time you want to log ing . Next under Base configuration you'll have to enter the following details : nickname ( you can leave it blank ) , email , site name and the description (you can leave it blank ) . Then click " Finish installation "
Website Design
When it comes to your website design , you can either download some wordpress themes for free or buy premium ones , or create your custom theme using Artisteer .
Make it look nice and professional as much as possible , this is a good thing for SEO and go over colored themes , that will make your website load slowly .
Wordpress Dashboard
The dashboard is where you can do it all , whether it is creating pages , adding images and videos , installing plugins . All the elements of your site can be controlled from this dashboard .
That's it , your website is set up!
Other ways to create your website :

Dreamweaver is an Adobe product , it's a WYSIWYG software (What You See Is What You Get ) , which means that it allows you to see how your website pages will be like while you're creating them .
DW has 3 views : the design view , the code view and the mixed view where you can see both of the design and the code .
Anyway , if you want just to make some static pages and learn some basic HTML codes at the same time , Dreamweaver is your best tool . It has a very large popularity and even a lot of web programmers use it . A bad new is that Dreamweaver is not for Free .
You can check out this link to know more about Dreamweaver
10 good and 10 bad things about Dreamweaver

Weebly is a free website building tool , it's an online tool and it doesn't require you to install anything you do all the job online . What's good with weebly is that it doesn't only allow you to create your website but also host it for free .
You don't have to know any web Programming skills , it gives you all you need everything is there you just choose what do you like to use and how you want your website to look like .
So that was it , the main steps to create your website and put it online .
If you still have any questions , please comment below .
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