dimanche 28 juillet 2013

Should I start a blog or a website ? a frequent question on the web , a lot of people may tell you you don't need a blog , all you need is a website  , other people tell you you can be successful more with a blog .. so what's the right saying then ? Actually you can be successful with either one , it all depends on you and your content and espacially how hard you work .

You may already know what a website is , but what's a blog , or blogging ? 
A blog is not very different from a website , it's often used as a timeline , you post posts about a certain topic and you add them to posts already posted , with that you slowly build more content .
and this content is organzied by time of each post which make it more like a diary .
Also a blog is written often by one person , where he develops and sort ideas and share them with people who are interessted by the same topic/topics written .

I have read somewhere on the web "A blog is this beast - a monkey on your back . It wants to be fed everyday , but we all have jobs and it's hard to do "  NOT really , I know a lot of successful and famous bloggers who post once a week , yes when you start you may have to be present often the time so that you can post and be active with your posts ( see people comments and reply them , recognise some mistakes and try to correct them next time ... ) but once you have reached ' a rich content ' you don't have to post every hour , you have already made an audience and if you kept posting every single hour people will be bored , so you must find a way to keep people anxious about your posts . 

So that was a general idea about what a blog is  , so as I have already said if you want to start either a blog or a website , it all depends on you and who you feel comfortable with , if you want to just put some static ideas or informations on the web then go with a website , and if you want to  share your ideas and write frequently then go with a blog . 

keep in mind 

  • Websites are more static than blogs 
  • a lot of people find blogs more easier than websites ( but it still depends on you ) 
  • Both of blogs and websites require hard work and rich content . 
  • You still can create both of them  , but make sure you start with one then move to the other . 

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